Friday, April 10, 2020

Business and Covid - The Symptomatic Relationship....!!!!

           Similarity between - Business and Corona Virus Spread
Think how your business grows - when you start you have a hand-full of resources be it money, clients, areas, procurement houses, designs etc etc.
You would require so many things/ hosts to build up and all in sufficient amount to scale up gradually.
Now as you grow you will realise that if your design and scheme is perfect the effort you take to rise from Rs hundreds to Rs thousands takes lot of time and money. Rising from Rs thousands to Rs Lakhs takes a little less time and then from Rs Lakhs to Rs Crores takes an even smaller time.
The stupid Corona Virus seems to be doing the same fuk. It had expanded it's business by building up it's hosts - HUMANS.It has used all the modern business techniques all in one - 
1. First it incubated in the passive time( Lead Time ), when china was enjoying it's new year holidays, 
2. Expanded from one centre ( Wuhan wet market ) to the full area (Marketing ), 
3. Then it choose the most influential clients (international passengers - globalisation ) to spread it arms. 
4. Then Multi-level-marketing began to operationalise in scattered areas. 
5. Then it got excess media coverage and attraction ( Branding ). 
6. And now it's creating monopoly - all hospitals and medical services are aligned to treat just one disease. 
Now You might think that Business was for doing good and Corona Virus is for doing BAD. 
Think again. 
MERS, SARS, Ebola and many other such community to community diseases could not expand due to restrictions and non-connectivity of many nations. Globalisation was not there. 
Hard to take the pill that globalisation and DEVELOPMENT's have made this world a hell to live in - there's more pressure to accomplish more, the fear of being left out, no fresh air to breathe, no fresh water to drink. 
Growth is always being measured in the amount of money one is making, and not the contribution one is doing for upliftment of the society at large. 
Even BIG financial donation makers always steal the headline but the ones who dedicate their whole life in upliftment seldom get noticed. 
Abolishing China seems a good step as of today, but then another China will emerge in some other form - like the terrorist organisation - killing OSAMA, then SADAM then xyz and so on and on.
LIMIT your usage TODAY if you want to set a better and bigger tomorrow. 
Business require to break the chain somewhere - they need some isolation and quarantine mode also. They require to be self satisfied somewhere.
NB:- The first post of the same had been done in my facebook profile..!!

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