Thursday, December 25, 2014

Why you should always keep on WORKING

One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma
by merely abstaining from work.
No one attains perfection merely by giving up work

Because no one can remain actionless even for a moment.
Everyone is driven to action, helplessly indeed,
by the Gunas of nature

The deluded ones, who restrain their organs of action
but mentally dwell upon the sense of enjoyment,
are called hypocrites

The one who controls the senses by the mind and intellect
and engages the organs of action to Nishkam Karma-yoga
is superior, O Arjuna

Perform your obligatory duty,
because action is indeed better than inaction.
Even the maintenance of your body
would not be possible by inaction

-- Bhagwat Gita.
( Word's as told by Shri Krishna to Arjuna )

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